Words for Thirds

The East Chatham Grange gives free dictionaries to third graders in local schools. The students have them to complete school work and may take them home to keep.

History of Promoting Literacy

The Grange has a long history of promoting history. In fact, in many rural areas, the Grange Hall was the only library available. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, "The Movement, especially the Grange, was instrumental in the establishment of travelling and local rural libraries, reading courses, lyceums, farmers' institutes, and rural-free mail delivery (inaugurated experimentally in 1896 and adopted as part of the permanent postal system in 1902)."


Nationwide, on average, 21% of adults in the US are illiterate and 54% of adults have a literacy below sixth-grade level. The National Grange works closely with The Dictionary Project to distribute dictionaries through local Granges to schoolchildren around the United States to do or part. Over 22,000 dictionaries have been distributed in New York State, which leaves a lot more schools that need sponsorship. You can help! Check out The Dictionary Project and consider joining your local Grange to move this program forward.

Little Libraries

Coming soon!